Banners for a Facebook campaign (2017). They promote "Cursos Libres" (Open Courses), classes of undergraduate and graduate programs open to the public.

Some 2011 course posters from left to right: Art Appreciation; Brazil: Its Film Industry, Music and Literature; Einstein's Relativity Universe; Philosophy and Politics: Action, Conflict and reconciliation.

Some 2016 course posters from left to right: Resilience: A Process for the Entire Life; Workshop Creative Writing in English; Art and Literature: Two Perspectives on Western Culture; River Water Quality Modeling.

Promotional emails (2014, 2016 and 2019). The same evolution in poster design was adopted in emails. In 2016, a single-column structure was implemented to improve readability. In 2018 I developed a responsive format optimized for mobile devices.

Visual identity for some programs, such as the Uniandes English Program (2017) and the Children and Youth Music Training Program (2013).